Download PDF Long Road to Mercy An Atlee Pine Thriller David Baldacci Books

If she disobeys direct orders by continuing to search for the missing man, it will mean the end of her career. But unless Pine keeps working the case and discovers the truth, it could spell the very end of democracy in America as we know it...
Download PDF Long Road to Mercy An Atlee Pine Thriller David Baldacci Books
"I love Baldacci’s work, but this book is dreadful—implausible, stereotyped characters, ridiculous actions. It’s another conspiracy book, this time with—brace yourself—a nuke hidden in the grand canyon with Russians framing North Koreans who undermine the Americans who don’t trust the Russians—the plot is beyond stupid, it’s insulting. And three people get the nuke out of the canyon on almost impassable trails despite a chopper with heavily armed men searching for them.
And this is clearly the beginning of a series, with FBI Agent Pine in search of he long ago kidnapped sister Mercy (hence, the title).
I cannot believe that someone with these writing chops would pen such a superficial, unrealistic, trite dialogue book as this. Save your money. More importantly, don’t encourage him. Maybe he’ll return to the harder-to-write but more impressive works.
This isn’t just poor writing for Baldacci, it’s poor writing for a college freshman in a creative writing program. The grade here is F."
Product details

Tags : Long Road to Mercy (An Atlee Pine Thriller) (9781538761533) David Baldacci Books,David Baldacci,Long Road to Mercy (An Atlee Pine Thriller),Grand Central Publishing,153876153X,AMERICAN MYSTERY SUSPENSE FICTION,BALDACCI, DAVID - PROSE CRITICISM,FICTION / Action Adventure,FICTION / Mystery Detective / International Crime Mystery,FICTION / Small Town Rural,FICTION / Thrillers / Suspense,FICTION / Women,Fiction,Fiction-Suspense,Fiction/Action Adventure,Fiction/Mystery Detective - International Crime Mystery,Fiction/Small Town Rural,Fiction/Women,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,Mystery/Suspense,United States,thriller; suspense; detective; mystery; mysteries; Atlee Pine; FBI thriller; rural crime; murder; police; procedural; fbi; grand canyon; western; western thriller; female protagonist; woman protagonist; female suspense; strong woman; thrillers and mysteries bestsellers; thriller books bestsellers; mysteries and thrillers new releases 2018; best sellers list new york times 2018; ny time best sellers; current best selling
Long Road to Mercy An Atlee Pine Thriller David Baldacci Books Reviews :
Long Road to Mercy An Atlee Pine Thriller David Baldacci Books Reviews
- If I have a favorite genre, it would be either Action-Adventure or International Crime and Conspiracy. To my line of thinking, "Long Road to Mercy" is Action-Adventure, but I noticed it was billed as International Mystery and Crime. At any rate, I knew that it would be a good story, as I always enjoy books by this author.
In one sentence, I found Atlee Pine to be an authentic, Scarily Tough Heroine. "Long Road to Mercy" is a Must-Read.
Mind you, though, that the early chapters in which we learn much about our heroine did give me cause for concern. Why? It seemed eerily close to Silence of the Lambs, but the character by Jody Foster was a much more physically adapted character. A character who, by the way, felt much more authentic than your typical heroine.
Even though I don't think it would be a spoiler, I'm not going to explain the cause for her developing in such a direction, because that is the fresh take, early, regarding this character that makes these first few pages intriguing to read.
The second half of the novel is better than the first half. In fact, some two-thirds in, this becomes a great page-turner. I enjoyed the adventure in this part almost as much as the character.
BLUSH FACTOR Readers familiar with Baldacci will know that his characters are not the sort from the Wizard of Oz, so don't expect to be reading this to youngsters or with your prayer group. But, even if you have objections to the eff-word, this is a book worth reading. And, frankly, the profanity is somewhat sparing. It is used to good effect as a seasoning agent, rather than to an excess.
CHARACTER My thoughts regarding Atlee Pine - At last, a female FBI agent who feels real and is not some Charlie's Angel or a model. This character has just enough flaws to make her intriguing.
POV Third person.
I'm only posting the briefest possible tidbit, just so an informed judgment becomes possible.
'...After losing Mercy, she had been put into counseling. As a bereaved six-year-old, she had found it confusing, scary, and, ultimately, unhelpful.
Four years ago, she had tried it again. With the exact same result. She had sat in a group counseling session and had listened as the attendees went around the room discussing their most personal issues. When her turn had come, Pine, who had been shot, stabbed, and attacked multiple times in the line of duty, had started to sweat and taken the coward’s way out—she had passed on her turn and never gone back.
For some reason, all of this had made her averse to possessions. She wanted to go through life with as few as possible. These included people as well. Some shrinks might interpret that as her being fearful of another significant loss. And they might not be far off the mark. But Pine had never allowed herself the time or opportunity to dig deep enough into her psyche to prove that theory true or false.
She showered to take off the dirt and sweat of the Grand Canyon. She dressed in fresh clothes, sat down at her knotty pine kitchen table, which had come with the apartment and which also doubled as her home office, and checked her emails, phone messages, and texts.
There was one from her direct superior out of Flagstaff. He wanted to know
Baldacci, David. Long Road to Mercy (Atlee Pine) (pp. 45-46). Grand Central Publishing. Edition.
Although the trip to the prison to visit the serial killer felt a little too familiar, and raises other questions in the reader's minds, it was enough different and personal enough that it was not so similar to other stories in this genre. Further, the writing throughout "Long Road to Mercy" is taut with intrigue and suspense so much so that I could only, with much difficulty, put it down to take care of other pressing needs, such as make a pot of coffee and the like.
Five stars out of five.
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Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment. for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment. - There comes a time when one of your favourite authors stumbles because they have written so much and laboured so hard to meet the grueling annual publication timetable. This time the stumble is more like a fatal fall for me. Basically, while I really admire Baldacci's work and have given it so many stars over the years, IMHO this time he has lost the plot with a terrible plot (excuse the unintended pun).
The best thing about this book was that Baldacci was brave enough to introduce another major character, after the extremely strange bunch he has created over the years. Unfortunately, a female FBI agent with near Olympic weightlifting credentials who works on her own running the smallest FBI office near the Grand Canyon is not the kind of heroine that one normally barracks for. Also, almost single-handed she walks into and tries to solve one of the most complex and unbelievable plots of international corruption. I would like to give you a sample of the plot but that spoiler would only show up the sheer stupidity of the plot.
When I got more than halfway through the book I decided to plod on as the plot got more ridiculous but admit to skipping a lot to see if Baldacci could redeem himself at the end, but to no avail. I am especially concerned that a top rated reviewer said it was a must read. Maybe he lives in another universe to me (and at one time I was a Top 500 Reviewer).
Baldacci has a great reputation going back beyond the days of the Coffee Club. I hope that he can take a long break and come up with something worthwhile next time. - Atlee Pine is about as believable as the Easter Bunny. This book is awful. Baldacci feels compelled to drag the reader into his political worldview. Total garbage.
- Love Baldacci, read everyone of his books and have never been disappointed...this one NEVER lives up to his previous works. Heck, I should've know It was going to be bad when star of the book, FBI agent Atlee Pine is called to investigate a dead donkey in the middle of the Grand Canyon. Seemed like Baldacci was in a rush to meet his quota with the publisher and pumped out what arguably is his worst book..
- A truly unbelievable story that should have been released as a superhero comic book. The author thinly disguises the far left's belief that Trump plans to take over the country and become dictator. I had to give up on this piece of rubbish at the 64% mark. I'll not waste time nor money on another Baldaci manifesto!
- I love Baldacci’s work, but this book is dreadful—implausible, stereotyped characters, ridiculous actions. It’s another conspiracy book, this time with—brace yourself—a nuke hidden in the grand canyon with Russians framing North Koreans who undermine the Americans who don’t trust the Russians—the plot is beyond stupid, it’s insulting. And three people get the nuke out of the canyon on almost impassable trails despite a chopper with heavily armed men searching for them.
And this is clearly the beginning of a series, with FBI Agent Pine in search of he long ago kidnapped sister Mercy (hence, the title).
I cannot believe that someone with these writing chops would pen such a superficial, unrealistic, trite dialogue book as this. Save your money. More importantly, don’t encourage him. Maybe he’ll return to the harder-to-write but more impressive works.
This isn’t just poor writing for Baldacci, it’s poor writing for a college freshman in a creative writing program. The grade here is F.