Download PDF The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

By Carey Massey on Sunday, May 5, 2019

Download PDF The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

Download As PDF : The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

Download PDF The Art of the Qur&#39an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

In the early twentieth century, the Ottoman Empire was in political turmoil. Officials moved valuable artworks--including thousands of sumptuous Qur'an (Koran) manuscripts and loose pages dating from the 7th to 17th century--to Istanbul to ensure their safety. Penned by celebrated calligraphers and embellished by skilled illuminators and bookbinders, these manuscripts are now housed in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (Türk ve İslam Eserleri Müzesi or TIEM) in Istanbul, established in 1914.

This story unfolds in The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, the companion publication to the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery's groundbreaking exhibition, the first major presentation of Qur'ans in the United States. The book's authors describe the formation of this one-of-a-kind collection and the history of TIEM, whose centuries-old records on patrons, calligraphers, illuminators, and provenance allow us to create "biographies" detailing the production of the Qur'ans in the exhibition. Essays address the Qur'an as a written text--from content and organization to the elaborate calligraphy and illuminated designs that transformed the volumes into beautiful artworks. The Art of the Qur'an also includes in-depth descriptions of some seventy works from TIEM and the Smithsonian's Sackler and Freer Galleries. It features full-page, color images of the earliest known Qur'an folios and manuscripts from the Umayyad and Abbasid Near East (7th-10th century), Seljuk Iran and Anatolia (12th century), the Mongol Il-Khanid and Timurid empires and Mamluk Cairo (14th and 15th centuries), Safavid and Ottoman empires (16th and 17th centuries) as well as a number of mosque furnishings, such as Qur'an boxes and stands. Most of these works have rarely, if ever, been published.

Download PDF The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

"Wonderful, beautiful, comprehensive"

Product details

  • Hardcover 384 pages
  • Publisher Smithsonian Books (November 8, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1588345785

Read The Art of the Qur&#39an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books

Tags : The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts [Massumeh Farhad, Simon Rettig, Julian Raby, Jane McAuliffe, Sevgi Kutluay] on . In the early twentieth century, the Ottoman Empire was in political turmoil. Officials moved valuable artworks--including thousands of sumptuous Qur'an (Koran) manuscripts and loose pages dating from the 7th to 17th century--to Istanbul to ensure their safety. Penned by celebrated calligraphers and embellished by skilled illuminators and bookbinders,Massumeh Farhad, Simon Rettig, Julian Raby, Jane McAuliffe, Sevgi Kutluay,The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts,Smithsonian Books,1588345785,Subjects Themes - Religious,Islamic illumination of books and manuscripts - Turkey - Istanbul,Islamic illumination of books and manuscripts;Turkey;Istanbul;Exhibitions.,Teurk ve cIslaam Eserleri Meuzesi,Art,Art / Middle Eastern,Art / Subjects Themes / Religious,Art/Middle Eastern,Art/Techniques - Calligraphy,Illumination Of Books And Manuscripts,Islam - Koran Sacred Writings,Islamic Art,Middle Eastern,Prayerbooks - Islamic,Religion - World Religions,Religion / Islam / Koran Sacred Writings,Religion / Prayerbooks / Islamic,Religion/Prayerbooks - Islamic

The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books Reviews :

The Art of the Qur'an Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts Massumeh Farhad Simon Rettig Julian Raby Jane McAuliffe Sevgi Kutluay 9781588345783 Books Reviews

  • This book is one of the finest publications in recent years on the rare, and little know beauty, of Quran illumination and design. The book published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Smithsonians' Freer/Sackler galleries takes an in-depth look at Qurans and other printed matter produced under various Islamic empires and dynasties including Seljuk, Timurid, Ottoman and Safavid examples of the finest quality and most, rarely published in color.

    The books clothbound hardback cover and the dust jacket matte finish raise the bar on a book already filled with excellent never before published reproductions of Qurans and manuscripts ripe for exploration, admiration and contemplation of the technically advanced designs and an approach to printed matter that has seldom been matched in quality or breadth. This comes at a time when Islamic culture and history are short changed, unfairly demonized and marginalized. The book commands a high resale value as of 11.8.18, and this comes to show the insatiable appetite for elegant books that cover little known or under appreciated topics that are timeless and everlasting and can be a boundless source of inspiration for scholars, artist and amateurs alike.
  • This is the catalogue of a fantastic exhibition held at the Sackler Museum in washington, D.C. The book itself is beautifully produced with up-to-date scholarly information and great illustrations. This should be a must for anyone interested in Islam, Islamic art, the history of Arabic calligraphy, and the art of the book.
  • Just a wonderful exhibit and a fantastic catalog. Fascinating articles, amazing photography. I will cherish my visit to this exhibit for years and always look back to this book as a way to re-visit the Sackler gallery.
  • Inspirational!
  • Wonderful, beautiful, comprehensive
  • This is a lovely book. It is well thought out and provides plenty of illumination pages with documentation.
  • What a treasure! More than pleased with the book. And pleased with the arrived so much earlier than expected!